I'm finally organising a shoot for Friday and hopefully another 2 next week, all in studio to go towards my portfolio. My brain is just bursting with ideas since I havn't been able to do an elaborate shoot for a while, and I don't know where to begin with the ideas..I'm probably going to concentrate on creating some interesting lighting while I can still use the uni studios and leave the crazy styling stuff I've got in mind for location shoots in the weeks to come. So many ideas, so little time!
Florence from Florence and the Machine is one cool chic. Besides having an amazing voice and inspiring and powerful music she has her own awesome style. Also, her hair is an incredible shade of red! (One i wish i could pull off).
“I want my music to sound like throwing yourself out of a tree, or off a tall building, or as if you’re being sucked down into the ocean and you can’t breathe”
Her debut album ‘Lungs’ is made of harps, choirs, drums, elevator shafts, bits of metal, love, death, fireworks, string quartets, stamping, sighing, strange electronic wailing, lambs, lions, sick, broken glass, blood, moon, stars, drink, coffins, teeth, water, wedding dresses.. and the silences in between "Live, Florence and The Machine become an entirely different beast. No two performances are ever alike, and clad in clothes often culled from local second-hand shops that day, Florence goes at it like a woman possessed. “It’s just this sense of total freedom,” she says. “It sounds so cheesy, but I want to touch people. Not in a weird way. I just want to help them feel what I’m feeling.”
I found out today Florence and the machine are coming to Sydney for the St Jeromes Laneway Festival. Mumford & sons and Sarah Blasko are also in the line up, so it's definatly something I can't miss. Then maybe Florence can touch me too.
Just thought I'd led you see how amazing Florence is too, she's such a talented crazy magical thing.
Lots of changes coming my way, I start a new job on monday, which is a full time but temporary position as a photographer for my uni. I've never worked full time before, so it's going to be challenging but I can't wait to start.
Im a little scared of how this will change my photography style, as it will be photographing the interiors of rooms on all campuses for an online booking system. This is completely different to my current love of fashion and portrait photography. I think I'll feel the need to keep myself inspired a lot over the next 8 weeks so expect to see lots and lots of inspiration on here.
I have done a couple of studio shoots over the last week, I'll show you my favorite shots in the next post. (I havn't had time to choose or edit them yet!)
Love this dreamy photography..
Awesome old furniture outside in the grass Lovely soft tones Amazing Green Pretty freckles Above photo's are by Peter Van Beever (click for link)
I've now finished my last uni assignment - ever! If that's not a reason to feel happy and free like a little birdie then I don't know what is. YAYYYYYYYY
So now I feel something like this...
I'm so excited to start all the little projects I havn't had the time for because of uni.
One of them is to decorate my room with tree branches, inspired by this: I would sleep outside under the stars every night If I could (without being eaten alive by mozzies) So why not turn my room into an indoor forest/jungle?
Never forget:
I hope this post made you feel happy too. =) If it hasn't then this song should make you feel a little bit amazing - its that good!