Wednesday, July 28, 2010



My latest band obsession is Fanfarlo..if you like Beirut you'll probably love them,
they have a similar sound. Similar, but different..

“Blessed with a winning romanticism… an incandescent tumble of horns, strings
and glockenspiel that could melt the iciest of hearts”

Oh and I got a fringe today, I look real different. I like it =)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Anna Wolf

I just discovered Anna Wolfs work and im am really wowed, its amazing and I'm feeling really
inspired - even after a long ass day of work..and waking up at 4:30am this morning to watch
the football final, in which Holland sadly lost. It was not the nicest start to my early day!

But moving on, here's some of the pretty amazing Anna Wolfs work (How cool is that last name? I wish it was mine)

I don't know if I can describe what exactly grabs me about her work, but there is just something
there that speaks to me. I love that its subtle and she just hints at certain things making her
images tell a story.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Pretty Wallets

While browsing Etsy for a new wallet (mine has been broken for a long time) I found sooo many pretty things!

Here is 2 shops that have some awesome things..

Beautiful Skin have a whole range of beautifully designed iphone/itouch cases. I really wish they had these same designs in wallets! they are so pretty.

Now all I need is an iphone =)

Bagitarian's Shop

This has made if very hard for me to choose a wallet!