Keep your inspiration and passion for what you do alive. Don't let it die.
Since I heard it I've loved this quote by Jim Jarmusch and to this day I find it rings true.

It's so important to find things that inspire you personally. Then to take that inspiration and
run with it and watch as your creation becomes something new altogether and most importantly
something that you believe in and felt the need to create.
Never let someone take that spark away from you, that need to create what you want to create
and in the way you want to create it. It is yours, and it is what distinguishes you from others in a
world where it is so often lost.
The reason i created this blog was to have a place to put anything that inspires me, ignites that
spark and I hope by sharing some of the these things that have inspired me, you can too become
inspired, possibly in a whole nother way, possibly not at all. Whatever the result, just don't forget
how important it is to believe in what you do even if others don't. For every person that doesn't
there is someone out there who will.
