Monday, May 30, 2011


I tried to watch this video, but I had to stop half way through.
It really makes me sick to the stomach that there are people out there
who are so pointlessly cruel. If you havn't yet heard about it, this
is a video made in 2011 that documents the treatment of animals that
have been exported live from Australia to Indonesia. I'm posting this here
hoping to get the word out about this in a hope that we can stop it.
It's hard to watch but spare a second to see what this poor animal
went through.

Bill's Story - Indonesian Live Export Investigation from Animals Australia on Vimeo.

At this link you can send an email to Julia Gillard to ask her to stop live
animal export. Seems like a stretch but the more emails she gets the more likely she will take action.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

take me away..

I need to go on some adventures, I need to get out of here and explore the world.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Some Recent Work...

A beauty shoot I did for make up artist: The Concealer.
Twiggy 60s look =)
Model: Elvera

Also, I now have a tumblr & I'm totally addicted!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Like days gone by..

I would kill to photograph this band..

Especially this bohemian goddess. I'm in love with her voice.